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Low Sperm Count Herbal Treatment


The combination of Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules works as the best low sperm count herbal treatment that helps in curing oligospermia naturally. 1 pack contains 60 Spermac capsules and 60 Vital M-40 capsules

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Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules in combination are effective and highly beneficial natural supplements for holistic low sperm count herbal treatment.

The problem of low sperm count prevents a large percentage of couples from achieving parenthood. Males need to have at least 20 million healthy sperm in each ml of semen to impregnate a woman.

There are many issues that can reduce the number of healthy sperm and make a male incapable of reproducing. These supplements possess herbs that increase sperm count and also protect them from damage.

These supplements work as an herbal treatment for low semen volume and ensure a maximum number of healthy sperms reach a woman’s ova to maximize the chances of conception.

Herbal Treatment for Low Sperm Count

Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules boost testicular functions and support by supplying optimum nutrition to increase the production of healthy sperms.

These increase the level of testosterone hormone which ensures an optimum flow of energy and nutrition towards the male’s genitalia and keeps organs active, and also open up blocked sperm canals to provide holistic low sperm count herbal treatment.

The prostate gland produces seminal fluids and these supplements boost male fertility by improving the health and functions of the prostate. These pills increase semen volume naturally and improve male fertility to allow him to achieve fatherhood easily.

Features of Spermac and Vital M-40 Capsules

  • Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules increase sperm count, increase the number of motile sperms, produce a higher number of forward-moving sperms, and protect them from damage caused by toxins and free radicals. These also suppress conditions like rheumatism which damage healthy sperms and lower their number.
  • These supplements ensure smooth ejaculation and passage to sperms from the testicles to the male organs, these enhance prostate gland functions and increase the volume of seminal fluids to protect sperms, and increase the force of ejaculation.
  • Aphrodisiac herbs present in these pills increase male libido, the ability to achieve erections, and increase pleasure during intimate moments and climax to increase the frequency of lovemaking. These treat issues like ED, PE, and low semen volume and make a male keener lover in bed.
  • Males suffering from disorders that slow down testicular functions or have a weak reproductive system due to bad habits or sexual malpractices also gain faster recovery and optimum fertility by using these supplements. These are powerful anti-aging as well and bring back lost potency and virility in elderly males.
  • These herbal supplements increase the male’s stamina, energy, and strength. These provide a male optimum vitality and remove deficiencies and disorders in the body.

Direction of Use

These are easy to use and do not require any complicated mechanism. Consume one or two pills every day after dinner and breakfast and lead a healthy lifestyle for fast results.

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