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Vaginal Tightening Pills


Shabab tablets are natural vaginal tightening pills made of a unique blend of powerful herbs that help in tightening loose vag naturally. 24 tablets per pack

More about this item

Shabab tablets are fast-acting, safe and purely herbal vaginal tightening pills. These pills come with herbs which are prolific in improving rush of blood within minutes and maintain healthy blood flow all day long.

These pills generate cells at a faster pace and promote the growth of tissues in walls of female’s genital passage. Healthy tissues make walls thicker and narrow down the passage to provide fast and safe loose vagina treatment.

These pills make mucous glands active to maintain healthy moisture during normal state and promote higher lubrication on arousal to facilitate penetration.

Some of the herbs used in vaginal tightening pills are nerve tonics and make the entire genital region and other erogenous zones of female’s body sensitive. Females gain full-bodied arousals and tighter and firmer passage in no time by using these pills.

Natural Vaginal Tightening Pills

Shabab tablets work within minutes and provide a female few hours of sensation and excitement. These on regular use make vagina tighter, firmer and suppler naturally.

Women gain healthy muscles of the pelvic region which keeps the entire groin region lifted and allow a woman to squeeze her passage during lovemaking to intensify grip over the male organ.

These tablets bring intense sensation and provide back to back climaxes to make lovemaking exhilarating for females. By improving grip and firmness of passage these provide much higher pleasure to the male partner and heighten passion in a relationship.

Key Features

  • These tablets within minutes bring tightness and lubrication along with higher sensation and full-bodied arousals. On regular use, these promote natural tightness and firmness and make a woman feel youthful sensation during lovemaking. One pill works for hours and can be used secretly without even partner coming to know of it.
  • These pills are not messy, do not over-lubricate and also keep passage clean and free of infections and allergens. These reverse side effects of childbirth, aging and hormonal problems and bring back youthful tightness and suppleness in the vagina.
  • These bring climaxes easily, make lovemaking highly pleasurable and cure frigidity. These make a woman anticipate sex and urge her to participate in the act with enthusiasm.

Ingredients of Shabab Tablets

Dridbeeja (Acacia Arabica), Majuphal (Quercus Infectoria), Dridranga (Argilla Vitriolutum), Juhi (Jasminum Auriculatum), Gulab (Rosa Centifolia), Suhaga (Soda Biboras), Base

Direction of Use

Shabab tablets can be used secretly. These do not produce any smell or excessive fluid to harm the lovemaking experience.

Just insert one tablet in intimate passage half an hour before act regularly or every alternate day. Continue usage for sufficient duration to gain natural tightness and firmness, and higher libido.

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