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Herbal Diabetes Treatment


100 capsules per pack

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Diabkil Capsules

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is for life. It cannot be treated out of the body and a person needs to live with it forever. The only way to protect health from the side effects of this disease is by maintaining dietary control, leading a healthy lifestyle, and taking proper medicines. Popular medicines are risky and do not improve the condition of a person at all. These simply lower the blood sugar by supplementing insulin and gradually their dosage needs to be increased as the disease keeps progresses. Diabkil capsules are efficient natural diabetes supplements that maintain healthy blood sugar levels and also improve the condition of a person in a short duration. This herbal diabetes treatment suppresses the side effects of the disease as well and makes living with diabetes easy.

Herbal Treatment for Diabetes

Diabkil capsules improve pancreatic functions and the quality and quantity of insulin to lower high blood sugar levels naturally. These maintain a healthy urinary system and improve liver functions and protect the nerves of the body. These provide optimum protection to the most vulnerable organs like the eyes, kidneys, liver, heart, and blood vessels to suppress the side effects of diabetes. People suffering from higher blood sugar suffer from frequent urination, uncontrolled hunger, cravings to eat sugary, pain in legs, and severe tiredness and lethargy.

Herbal diabetes treatment along with maintaining blood sugar levels healthy relieves all these symptoms of the disease as well. These pills possess herbs that metabolize fat faster and keep cholesterol levels under control. Herbal diabetes treatment keeps blood vessels clear and removes blockages caused by fat deposition and plaque. Herbal ingredients of Diabkil capsules improve clot mechanism and provide faster healing of wounds and also maintain strong immunity. Diabetics often have high blood sugar levels after meals. These pills slow down sugar supplementation to blood after meals and prevent its level from piking to protect health.

Key Features

  • Increase insulin secretion to metabolize blood sugar and control diabetes naturally.
  • Protect nerves, eyes, kidneys, liver, blood vessels, and heart from the side effects of diabetes.
  • Maintain higher energy and keep a person active.
  • Improve metabolism, and maintain healthy urination and heart functions.
  • Stop cravings to eat sugary and uncontrollable hunger.
  • Prevent frequent urination, pain in legs, and weight gain.
  • Maintain triglyceride levels healthy and improve immunity.
  • Promote faster healing of wounds, prevent plaque deposition and improve clot mechanism.


Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar), Azadirachta Indica (Neem), Trigonella Foenum-Graecum (Methi), Eugenia Jambolana (Jamun), Curcuma Longa (Haldi), Momordica Charantia (Karela), Sodium Bicarbonate (Sajji Khar), Aegle Marmelos (Bilvapatra), Pueraria Tuberose (Vidarikand), Asphaltum Punjabinum (Shudh Shilajit), Terminalia Arjuna (Arjun), Pongamia Glabra (Baghaphal), Coccinia Indica (Bimba Phal), Tinospora Cordifolia (Giloy), Cassia Occidentalis (Kasondi), Cassia Auriculata (Tarver), Citrullus Colocynthis (Indrayan), Myristica Fragrans (Jaiphal), Vincarosea (Sadaphool), Piper Nigrum (Kali Mirch), Asparagus Adscendens (Safed Musli), Extractum Berberis (Rasont), Pithecellobium Bigeminum (Kachlora)

Direction of Use

Maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and strict dietary control. Consume one or two pills of Diabkil capsules every day half an hour before breakfast and dinner regularly.

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