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Herbal Hemorrhoids Treatment


64 capsules per pack

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Pilesgon Capsules

Hemorrhoids are swollen and irritated veins in the anal passage. Generally constipation and pressure over the rectal lining cause irritation to veins which causes excruciating pain during or after bowel movements and bleeding. Pilesgon capsules provide relief from pain and stop bleeding and on regular use, these shrink lesions of mass in the rectal lining. Pilesgon herbal hemorrhoids treatment diffuses inflammation of veins and allows smooth passage to stools without causing any bruises and irritation to the walls of the passage. These cover bruised and injured veins and stop blood loss during a bowel movement to provide bleeding piles treatment.

Herbal Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Pilesgon capsules address the root causes of the problem as well to provide long-lasting herbal hemorrhoids treatment. These soften stools and maintain regular bowel movements to treat constipation. The herbs eliminate irritating chemicals, toxins, and acids in stools which irritate veins and cause piles to provide holistic herbal treatment for piles.

These pills strengthen the walls of anal passage to prevent flare-ups of the problem in the future and allow smooth passage to stools. Herbal treatment for hemorrhoids improves colon functions and prevents drying of stools which causes constipation and irritates veins to lead to piles.

Key Features

  • These supplements are excellent remedies for bleeding and non-bleeding piles both. These provide quick relief from pain and discomfort and smooth bowel movements by making stools soft. These stop bleeding, shrink mass lesions, and reduce irritation to bring problems under control quickly.
  • Regular use tones walls of the anal passage and prevents irritation of veins in the future. These minimize the chances of surgeries and treat hemorrhoids without any painful procedure. These suppress flares of the problem by maintaining regular defecation and treating constipation, slow colon functions, the presence of irritating compounds in stools, and healing cuts and bruises in the passage.
  • Pilesgon capsules are safe and can be used for a prolonged duration without any worries about side effects.


Bryophyllum calycinum (Hemsagar), Terminalia Chebula (Haritaki), Mesua Ferrea (Nagkesar), Acacia Catechu (Kttha), Extractum Berberis (Rasaunt), Vernonia Anthelmintica (Kalijiri), Eupatorium Ayapana (Ayapana), Wrightia Tinctoria (Indrajau), Daemonorops draco Blume (Khun Shosha), Sapindus Mukorossi (Ritha), Sodii Biboras (Shudh Takan)

Direction of Use

Eat a high-fiber diet that is light in the stomach and gets digested smoothly, avoid spicy, greasy, and processed foods, and drink plenty of water. Consume one or two pills of these capsules after breakfast and dinner with water regularly for the required duration.

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