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Herbal Arthritis Supplements


Orthoxil Plus capsules are herbal arthritis supplements that are made of powerful herbs with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. 120 capsules per pack

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Orthoxil Plus capsules are wonderfully beneficial herbal arthritis supplements that keep joints stronger and protect them from all types of arthritis. These herbal arthritis supplements possess herbs that improve bone tissue generation and make bones thicker and healthier and also strengthen ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

These relieve pain and diffuse swelling to promote movement and on regular use improve the joint’s weight-bearing and pressure-bearing capacity. These keep a person active and agile by improving the strength of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Natural Arthritis Supplements

Orthoxil Plus capsules are natural supplements for arthritis relief as these keep immunity higher, eliminate toxins and suppress infections to keep the synovial fluid clean and healthy. These supplements for arthritis joint pain regenerate cartilages and allow smooth and pain-free joint movement.

People suffering from joint stiffness, pain, and immobility due to high uric acid levels also gain immense relief as these herbal arthritis supplements keep the level of harmful acids in the body low and ensure their regular removal to keep joints protected.

Key Features

  • These pills possess herbs that make bones stronger and also improve the strength of ligaments, muscles, and tendons to keep joints stable and stronger. These heal injuries, sprains, and damages caused to joint organs by arthritis or sudden jerk and pressure and keep joint alignment proper. These pills protect joints from age-related damages and damages caused by poor immune system functions, crystals of uric acid, infections, or toxins that lead to different types of arthritis.
  • These are curative and protective. People already suffering from arthritic pain and stiffness in joints gain relief and movement in joints by using these pills. Those who are prone to suffer from any form of arthritis or lead a strenuous lifestyle can use these to keep joints healthy and free from injuries and damage to stay active and agile. These work for males and females both efficiently and can be used for a regular and prolonged duration.
  • Some of the herbs used in these are anti-aging which protect cells and tissues from damages caused by hazardous free radicals. These herbs supplement anti-oxidants and delay the process of tissue aging to keep the entire body strong and energized. These also improve metabolism to keep harmful acids, compounds, and chemicals clear from the digestive system and prevent damage to joint organs.
  • These pills repair, protect, and even reverse damages caused by any form of arthritis to promote smooth movement and also increase the range of joint motion. These increase the endurance and strength of joints and enhance the vitality and agility of a person of any age.

Ingredients of Orthoxil Plus Capsules

Rasna (Vanda Roxburghii), Naga Bhasma (Plumbum), Godanti Hartal Bhasma (Arsenii Trisulphidum), Swaran Bang Bhasma (Swaran Bang), Suranjan (Colchicum Inteum), Guggul (Balsamodendron Mukul), Kesar (Crocus Sativus), Rigni (Solanum Xanthocarpum), Chopchini (Smilax China), Piplamool (Piper Longum), Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Asthisanhar (Vitis Quadrangularis), Ramayphal (Strychnos Nux-Vomica), Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis)

Direction of Use

Orthoxil Plus capsules are easy to use. Consume one or two pills every day after breakfast and dinner with water and lead an active lifestyle.

Stay away from harmful foods and drinks as much as possible and follow the course with discipline for the proper duration.

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